Micronutrient supplementation in growing-finishing pigs and sows


Altering micronutrient supply to accommodate the increased oxidative stress (vitamins E, C and plant secondary metabolites, Cr, Zinc, Se) as well as adjusting methyl donors (betaine) may be beneficial in heat stress conditions. Positive effects deriving from the supplementation of these micro-nutrients are related to their capacity to ameliorate hypoxia induced impairment of gastrointestinal tract integrity and ensuing inflammation (local and systemic), or in negating negative effects of heat stress on insulin status. In isolation betaine supplementation seems to be effective in gestating sow reproductive success due to reduction in homocysteine (methyl-donor activities) and lactational performance. However, its use in growing-finisher diets has limited and sometimes negative effects

  • Author: Dr Panagiotis SAKKAS
  • Publication date: 26/02/2020

Author statement:

This review assesses the published scientific literature on the topic of micronutrient supplementation in heat stressed pigs as of the date of its writing. The findings in the literature do not necessarily reflect CCPA practices and our specialists can directly advise our customers on the most cost effective nutritional strategies based on their field experiences.

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