Consequences of heat stress on health and performance in dairy cows

Dairy cows are most productive inside a range of temperatures referred to as the thermal neutral zone.

Effects of Heat Stress on Monogastrics and Micronutrient Supplementation

The objective of this webinar is to elucidate how heat stress affects the biology of monogastric systems and how this translates into performance losses.

Macronutrient formulation approaches in dairy cows experiencing heat stress

The effects of macronutrient formulation in dairy cows impacted by summer heat stress. Find out more by downloading our scientific article.

Susceptibility of dairy cows to heat stress according to the animal and climate factors

Dairy cows are very sensitive to heat stress and various climatic factors. Find out more by downloading our scientific article.

Effects of heat stress in broilers

Reduced performance during heat stress in broilers is attributed to a great degree to reduced feed intake aimed at decreasing their heat increment. Find out more by downloading our scientific article.

Micronutrient supplementation in growing-finishing pigs and sows

Altering micronutrient supply to accommodate the increased oxidative as well as adjusting methyl donors may be beneficial in heat stress conditions. Find out more by downloading our scientific article.

Effects of heat stress on pig performance and physiology

The effects of heat stress on pig performance and physiology, and aspects of macronutrient feed formulation. Find out more by downloading our scientific article.